
Friday, March 21, 2014

It Had to be You by Susan May Warren

Eden Christiansen never imagined her role as her younger brother Owen’s cheerleader would keep her on the sidelines of her own life. Sure, it feels good to be needed, but looking after the reckless NHL rookie leaves little time for Eden to focus on her own career. She dreamed of making a name for herself as a reporter, but is stuck writing obits—and starting to fear she doesn’t have the chops to land a major story. If only someone would step up to mentor Owen . . . but she knows better than to expect help from team veteran and bad-boy enforcer Jace Jacobsen.
Jace has built his career on the infamous reputation of his aggressive behavior—on and off the ice. Now at a crossroads about his future in hockey, that reputation has him trapped. And the guilt-trip he’s getting from Eden Christiansen isn’t making things any easier. But when Owen’s carelessness leads to a career-threatening injury and Eden stumbles upon a story that could be her big break, she and Jace are thrown together . . . and begin to wonder if they belong on the same team after all.
I have loved every book of Susan May Warren's that I have loved. This book was no different. This is Book 2 of the Christiansen Family Series. I love how the author draws you in to the characters lives and you become part of the story.  Each character had a well thought out story and the interaction between them was real and down to earth. I loved watching Eden as she grew from being an over-protective sister to the realization that she deserved her own live also.
Watching her learn to trust Jace was so real. It can be hard to put away the past and hope for a better future, but we see a relationship of truth and forgiveness that everyone can relate to in some way.
The addition of the mystery of John Doe, and Jace's relationship with Sam and his daughter Maddy, only make the book more genuine in the way the characters dealt with tragedy and the unknown. While learning to rely on their faith, they progress through stages easily understood by others.
This is a book where you will love the journey just as much as the ending.  You don't want to miss this story! You will find the addition of a prequel and more included. There are some great discussion questions which would be great for a book club.
Disclosure: I received a print copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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