
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A Sky without Stars by Linda S. Clare

Book Summary:

Frankie Chasing Bear is caught between cultures. She wants to raise her son Harold to revere his Lakota heritage, but she knows he will need to learn the white man’s ways to succeed. After the untimely death of her husband, Frankie joins the U.S. Government’s Relocation Program and moves to Arizona. There she begins sewing a Lakota Star pattern quilt for Harold with tribal wisdom sung, sewn, and prayed into it.
A bed without a quilt is like a sky without stars, but neither the quilt—nor her new life—comes easily to Frankie. Nick Vandergriff, for instance, is the last man Frankie wants to trust. He’s half-Lakota but Christian, and Frankie can see no good coming from that faith after her own parents were forced to convert at an Indian school. Can Nick convince Frankie that white men and Christians aren’t all bad? And will Frankie learn that love is the most important ingredient—for her son’s quilt and life itself?


A Sky without Stars is part of the Quilts of Love series. I enjoyed following the story of Frankie and learning about her heritage. Trying to stay connected in a world where it isn't as easily accepted can be difficult. I thought the author did an amazing job of sharing a deep insight into the life of Frankie and her son Harold. It read as very realistic. I felt along with her as the story developed.
The relationship between Frankie and Nick was honest and mature. There were so many aspects of the story where they appeared as just a real couple dealing with life together. In my opinion, this allowed me to really connect with the characters.
This is a book worth reading! I look forward to reading more books within this series.

Disclosure: I received a print copy of the book in exchange for an honest review. My opinions are my own and may differ from others.

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