
Sunday, October 20, 2013

Caring Cross

What a blessing to be a part of sharing the story of the Caring Cross with all my readers. The Caring Crosses are carved from a unique grained olive wood from olive trees in Bethlehem. Christians originally made these for pilgrims and then tourists visiting the Holy Land. Buying these crosses helps to support the craftsmen working on them. They receive a good price which supports their family and the Christian community of Bethlehem.

Here are some pictures showing the work and creativity in the design of the crosses. You can see the amazing detailed work that is put into each individual cross.

 The cross is beautiful. It is very smooth to the touch and fits perfectly in your hand. The cross would be a wonderful gift for someone for anything from needing comfort through illness, graduations,Christmas,baptism, or really anything. I can't wait to share one with a family member for Christmas.

You can also buy these individual crosses for a fundraiser for a church or youth program. What a great and unique way to get the message of Christ out to the world.

You can find the crosses on amazon, ebay, or

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  1. Those are lovely! I'm going to share the site with my MIL. I wonder if she's seen them before? She just went to Israel a couple months ago.

    1. That's really cool! I'm sure it was amazing!

  2. I love that these guys are able to find a way to make some money. What a blessing to those who receive such a thoughtful gift too.


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