
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

A Christmas Gift for Rose by Tricia Goyer

For the Amish faith, joining the military is just not something that is done. When Jonathan, the man Rose loves, returns from serving as a Medic in World War II, she breaks things off. She is concerned with how the Bishop will react and is also not sure how she feels herself.
To Rose's complete surprise, the nightmares that have been disrupting her sleep lately turn out to have some truth to them. Rose finds out that she was born English. Her family was unable to provide properly for her and sent her to live with the Amish family that has been the family Rose has always loved.
How will this newfound knowledge affect her relationships with her Amish family, and Jonathan? Life is about to change in ways Rose never imagined.


I'll start by saying I would give this book 5 out of 5 stars! I loved the idea of the story. What would happen if we discovered our lives were not what they should have been? It's hard to imagine, but how much more difficult would it be for it to have actually happened?
It's intriguing to discover how Rose deals with this and the emotions involved. Her Amish family along with  Jonathan try and help her to rely on her faith throughout her struggles. That is an encouragement to me and I'm sure will be for others reading Rose's story.
I loved the creative ways the author brought people into Rose's life at just the right moment. Finding out the meaning of the title was exciting for me. It was a clever and unique situation which you learn about later in the book.

Except for a rest to eat, I finished this book in one sitting! I just couldn't put it down! It's a somewhat shorter book which made it easier, but it was the star quality of the book that kept me glued to the story.
I was invested in each character and the wonderfully drafted storyline that I couldn't let it go.

You can learn more about the author at
Follow her on Twitter and Facebook

Disclosure: I received a print copy of the book from booksneeze in exchange for an honest review. My reviews are always honest and my own opinion. My views may differ from others.

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