
Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Secret Keeper by Beverly Lewis

The Secret Keeper is Book 4 in the Home to Hickory Hollow series. Although it's Book 4, you can read it independently of the other books. I have read the entire series from the beginning and recommend them all.

Jenny is an Englisher, but in her heart she has always seen herself as Plain. She has never felt like she belonged in her world and thanks to an Amish friend, finds herself being mentored in her "proving period" by Rebecca and Samuel Lapp.  Although things are more difficult then they appeared at first, Jenny is determined to fit in and prove she has what it takes to become a baptized member of the Amish church. People in the community have a variety of thoughts of this worldly person wanting to join the Amish church, especially at the same time many of the youth are seeking to leave the community.

As Jenny strives to learn the correct ways to conduct herself and learn how to be a true Amishwoman, she also finds herself struggling with her interest in Andrew. Jenny is not supposed to court until she is a member of the church, but she finds herself drawing closer to him and his trust in her.

When a secret threatens to destroy her chances of finishing her proving time, she decides she will never be Amish and leaves to go home. What she finds is that although she is back in the English world, her heart is with the Amish.

What I love about this story is that it brings in a theme that is common to people no matter where they are or who they are. The struggle to find where you fit in. Following your heart may not be the accepted choice or the most popular, but how important it is to follow your heart and God's leading.

The families and individual characters in the story draw you in. They feel like family.  If you have read any of the Heritage of Lancaster County books, you will love hearing more about Katie Lapp and her journey outside the Amish faith, and learn about the struggles and changes occuring in that family.

I love reading Amish fiction. Although the lifestyle is strict and difficult, the idea of living simple without all the stress of "keeping up" with everyone makes reading about it very enjoyable.
Beverly Lewis never disappoints with her books. I highly recommend finding this book fast! You can find it HERE.

Disclosure: I received a print copy of the book from Bethany House in exchange for an honest review.

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