
Friday, September 13, 2013

Stranded by Dani Pettrey

Stranded is Book 3 in the Alaskan Courage series. I had not previously read either Book 1 or 2, so I wondered if I would be missing key details or would feel I was coming in at the middle of situations. While I'm sure starting at the series beginning is the most common choice, and normally how I like to do things, I don't however feel like it affected my enjoyment of this book or the ability to understand what was going on. I will however definitely be going back and reading the other books!

In this adventure, we find Darcy on board a cruise ship as an adventure journalist but in fact she is really on board with a undercover reporting job to help her friend Abby with a case. Although Darcy left the undercover life 3 years prior, she would do anything to help Abby. Darcy uses her knowledge and cover job to gain access to areas and questioning that she otherwise couldn't do.

When Abby goes missing, things begin to become dangerous quickly.  Nobody seems to be able to give any information, and nobody seems at all concerned. When Darcy realizes her adventure will have her working closely with an old friend, Gabe, she is determined to stay professional and not let on her real feelings.

Gabe knows her true story. He has never been encouraging about Darcy doing undercover work because of the time she gave to it, and the danger she allowed herself to get in the middle of.
Will they now be able to work together to find out the truth of what happened to Abby? They need to for the sake of the situation. The people they learn are involved and the seriousness of the disappearances will lead them into the unknown. Will the danger of the situation draw Gabe to the eternal love of Christ which Darcy desperately desires for him?

This book had me on the edge of my seat the entire time! I had a hard time putting it down. I love books which take you on a suspenseful journey without the risk of actually being afraid to go to sleep:)
The storyline was thought-provoking, and very well written. The characters were described so well they were easy to picture as real people. They each had a deep history which made them relatable.
The mystery surrounding Abby's disappearance was not expected and very exciting. There was also a great message surrounding the effects of her situation. The ending was thrilling and kept you wondering what really occurred, and who was really involved, right till the very end.
I highly recommend this amazing story of adventure, love and sacrifice. You can find it for yourself  at   I'd love to know what you think!

Disclosure: I received a free print copy of the book from Bethany house in exchange for an honest review.


  1. Will you be reading the first and second book in the series?

    1. yes, I accidentally left that out. I will be reading them for sure!

  2. This sounds fascinating! I usually prefer historical fiction, but I love thrillers and mysteries, so I'm intrigued.

  3. This sounds like a good book! I'll have to add this series to my TBR pile :)

  4. Sounds like a great book! Will have to check it out! :)

  5. VERY much different for sure.... :D

  6. Sounds like a good one! I'll have to get the first two books and start in on this one!


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