
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Smitten Book Club

Book Summary:

The thick, leathery tome Heather pulled out of the dusty cardboard box was definitely coming home with her. Not only was The Gentlewoman’s Guide to Love and Courtship an appealing curiosity by virtue of its title; it was also written by Smitten, Vermont native Pearl Chambers, a local gentlewoman from three generations back.
Little did Heather know the repercussions this little curiosity would have on her and her friends’ romantic exploits.
When Heather and her fellow book club members begin passing the book around, their respective interpretations are unleashed on their respective love lives . . . for better or for worse. Is it a mystery? An idealist fantasy? An intimation of Jane Austen? As romantic love finds its way to each woman, the Guide proves itself both surprisingly prescient and hilariously irrelevant.
What’s more, a handwritten inscription indicates that the arcane book might hold the only extant clues leading to buried gold—exactly what one of the members needs to keep her house. How could they not go treasure hunting?
My Thoughts:
I thoroughly enjoyed this adventure. I loved watching the relationships grow between the friends and see how they stood by each other through life struggles. I think it's great to have all 4 stories in the same book. We are able to move right in to the next story without pause. Each story while different, follows the same overall story of the treasure they hope to find.
The idea of passing the book around and learning of a treasure while also helping them in their love lives was interesting and useful for the reader also. There were some great pearls of wisdom shown in the book, but not only that, we were brought on the journey of what those bits of wisdom really look like in life.
Each story was well written and I was fully engaged in what was going on, and found myself wanting to help the couples along :)
I loved the little "extras" included in the back of the book. What fun! I highly encourage you to give this book a read. 
Don't forget to check the sidebar of my blog for a Kindle fire giveaway going along with this book!

Disclosure: I received a free print copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.  My reviews are always my own opinions and may differ from others.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like an interesting read! As someone who is always looking for insights into relationships, I find that sometimes it takes a little absurdity to put things in perspective. Thanks for sharing!



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