
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Hopeful by Shelley Shepard Gray

Book Summary:

In the Amish town of Sugarcreek, love comes in many forms. But will it come at all for Miriam?
Miriam Zehr has worked at the Sugarcreek Inn longer than she cares to admit. The restaurant is a favorite of town residents as well as the many tourists who come to taste the famous Amish fare. Though she always tries to have a smile for every customer, deep down Miriam knows something’s missing: a family of her own.
Miriam has never felt particularly beautiful, especially because she’s always been a bit heavier than other girls her age. When Junior, the man she’s pined for all her life, suddenly seeks her out, she’s thrilled to be noticed . . . until she realizes he’s only asking her to help get the attention of Mary Kathryn Hershberger, her pretty friend.
If Miriam helps Junior court Mary Kathryn, she’ll get to spend a lot of time with him, but she might lose him in the process. Are these few stolen moments worth a lifetime of sacrifice? Is Miriam right to even hope for the life she dreams of?

My Thoughts:
This is Book 1 in the new Return to Sugarcreek series. I am already looking forward to Book 2. What I loved most about this book was the truths it told, and followed a story everyone can relate to in some way. 
What would you do if the person you loved wanted you to help them find love with someone else? Although not everyone will experience this, I'm sure most people can relate to "the one that got away".  It was encouraging to see how Miriam handled herself in this situation and watch how she put others ahead of herself. Now, I'm not sure I could have done what she did, but I admired the Christ like way she treated others. 
The relationships between Miriam and Junior and Mary Kathryn were shown in a deep and creative way. I felt drawn in to the story and became a part of it myself. The characters were brought to life in unique and creative ways which allow the reader to really relate to each one.
You can find this book for yourself at

Disclosure: I received a print copy of the book in exchange for an honest review. My opinions are my own and may differ from others

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