
Monday, January 13, 2014

New Year Ramblings

Starting this new year out for me has been tricky. My husband is an audio engineer and works on a cruise ship. This is great, but it means he's gone 6 months at a time. That isn't good. He has been home for a month and during this time I haven't really touched my blog. Now with him leaving this week, I am in the struggle of getting back into it. I find myself not motivated. I'm sure I'm not the only one:) I'm hoping my goals will push me to get back at it!

I want my goals this year to be specific.

  • I want to continue growing my blog, sharing wonderful books and products, and giving a glimpse into our homeschool life.
  • I would love to grow my social media pages to more interaction and a sense of community.
  • My husband is working on getting his photography business growing so he can come off the ship and be at home more. I want to work on promoting his business while continuing with mine.
I'm hopeful that time will allow all this to work. I pray that everyone's year is one of great plans and things to come.

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