
Monday, November 11, 2013

Unspoken by Dee Henderson

Book Summary: (from amazon)

Charlotte Graham is at the center of the most famous kidnapping in Chicago history.

The task force of FBI and local cops found her two abductors, killed them, rescued her, but it took four very long years. The fact she was found less than three miles from her home, had been there the entire time, haunts them. She's changed her identity, found a profession she loves, and rebuilt her life.

She's never said a word--to the cops, to her doctors, to family--about those four years. 
A family legacy has brought her back to Chicago where a reporter is writing a book about the kidnapping. The cops who worked the case are cooperating with him. Her options are limited: Hope the reporter doesn't find the full truth, or break her silence about what happened. And her silence is what has protected her family for years.

Bryce Bishop doesn't know her past, he only knows she has coins to sell from her grandfather's estate--and that the FBI director for the Chicago office made the introduction. The more he gets to know Charlotte, the more interested he becomes, an interest encouraged by those closest to her. But nothing else is working in his favor--she's decided she is single for life, she struggles with her faith, and she's willing to forego a huge inheritance to keep her privacy. She's not giving him much of an opening to work with.

Charlotte wants to trust him. She needs to tell him what happened. Because a crime cops thought was solved, has only opened another chapter...

My Thoughts:

This was such an interesting book! There were so many layers to the storyline which were well thought out and worked to make it an exciting plot. I was drawn in to the different characters, but especially with Charlotte in what she went through. Although she had a very hard life, her strength to go on, and how she learned to deal with everything was wonderful to read. 
I felt the story took me on a journey where I never was completely sure where I was going, but knowing I wanted to be there! 
Dee Henderson has a way of making you feel a part of the characters in a real and personal way. Details have a way of showing you the truth and encouraging you to follow alongside the characters. 
You can find out more about the author on her website.  
I hope you enjoy the book as much as I did!

Disclosure: I received a print copy of the book in exchange for my honest review. My opinions are my own,and may differ from others.

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