
Monday, November 4, 2013

Just One More Thing Before You Leave Home by David Gudgel

Just One More Thing Before You Leave Home, is a practical way to find peace in the stressful and emotional time of getting your child ready to leave home. David Gudgel has provided us with 30 topics to cover with our children to prepare them for the future.

David Gudgel gives examples that have been personally tried by his family and gives encouragement of how it works and what to do and not do.

Each topic provides a section to read, scripture which goes along with the topic, and a section which gives help with how to approach the discussions and examples of what you can do.

I felt like the book had some great words and covered each topic well. As a mom of a teenager, I found myself reading it differently knowing my own child has just a few years left at home. It really brought home truth to me. I feel it will be of great encouragement to parents and teens.

Some of the topics it covers are relationships, finances, careers,spiritual truths and practical tips. All very important for the teen to learn. I think this book is great for helping families to take the time to sit down and really focus on what's happening and making time for teens to share what's in their hearts also. A great communication starter.

I encourage all parents of teens to read this book. Don't wait for the last moment, start as they get started in high school as a way to look at life at that time, and then read again as they get closer to send off. I feel the topics are that important. I can't wait to really sit down with my son and savoring the time with him as we go through this book.

You can purchase this book here at

Disclosure: I received a print copy of this book from in order to do my review. All my reviews are honest and are my own opinion.


  1. Great book for parents with teens! Great way to open the lines of communication.

  2. This is a great idea for a book! I can't even think about the day my babies leave me!

  3. i wish my mom coulda had this book for me years ago :D


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