
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Academic Planner

As a homeschool mom, I was thrilled to be offered the chance to review this academic planner!
If you saw my desk you would know how unorganized I can be! This was a huge blessing to me and an encouragement to start being more aware of controlling the chaos.

I love how the planner is set up. There is a place to write in your subjects for the semester and then each week  has a page to write in the work for the week. There is a section also at the bottom where you can write in after school activities, extra classes or whatever notes you need. Here is our planner. Obviously this week is empty due to Thanksgiving week. We plan to write in what actually gets accomplished…if anything.  Normally the page is full of instruction and activity.

What I especially enjoy is how easy it is for the student to follow and  use independently. For example, what I do at the beginning of the week is write in what needs to be done on each day. There is a small square in each of the larger squares where the student can check it off when it's done. This allows the student to work on their own, and allows mom not to have to keep asking if the work is getting done. It's working great for us!
You can learn more and find one for yourself at

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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