
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Join us in helping HEARTS Education Foundation win a car!

What a great opportunity to help in the goals of helping children to fight health issues and get focused on living healthy lifestyles! By helping them win a car, it would allow them to continue to support families and provide music, language and fitness programs.

Health Environmental Artistic Resource Training Services (H.E.A.R.T.S.) Education Foundation

We are a 501c3 non-profit corporation created to serve and facilitate in the development of children and youth, with goals of reaching out to surrounding neighborhoods with effective programs to empower their community. Presenting Moving and Improving

An Early Childhood and Special Needs Initiative to help children:

1. Reduce risk factors for disease, disabilities, disorders and disadvantages 2. Strengthen social emotional and behavior skills and abilities 3. Develop a stronger foundation of strength, balance, endurance and character, confidence and coordination

Childhood obesity, heart disease, diabetes, behavior disorders, economic disadvantages and learning disabilities like Autism and ADHD are rapidly rising along with the costs of treating these disorders. These problems and costs are significantly higher where poverty is prevalent. With the majority of brain development, attitudes, habits and fundamental skills being developed in the first five years of life, it makes sense to strategically address and take measures to build a stronger foundation for learning, performing and communication skills in all children

HEARTS Education Foundation Is One of 250 Finalists for Toyota’s 100 Cars for Good Program HEARTS Education Foundation is proud to announce we’ve been selected as a finalist in Toyota’s 100 Cars for Good Program. Now we need your support! Vote for Moving and Improving at on 11/1/2013. The new Toyota will help us provide high quality fitness, music and language training programs for over 200 disadvantaged preschool children each month in Summit and Jefferson Counties of CO. 

Toyota’s 100 Cars for Good program will award 100 vehicles over the course of 50 days to 100 deserving nonprofit organizations based on votes from the public. Winning organizations will use the Toyota vehicles to help expand their reach and missions within their communities. Please support HEARTS Education Foundation on 11/1/2013. Voting will take place

Please vote for us in this Facebook campaign on November 1st. Right now you can go and click the Sports and Recreation tab. Then scroll down to HEARTS Education Foundation – Evergreen CO and click the Remind Me tab, so you’ll remember to vote for us to win on November 1. For more information or call Scott Liebler at 303-902-4985.

Help hundreds of economically disadvantaged and at risk children!! YOU can help over 200 disadvantaged preschool children gain more skills and abilities this year by casting a vote for the HEARTS Education Foundation’s - Moving and Improving program. All we need is your vote on 11/1/2013 to win a new Toyota.  

Help spread the word and get them more votes by sharing on all your social media!! Here are a few suggested tweets to help you get started!!

Support HEARTS Education Foundation by voting as we compete for a new vehicle in Toyota #100Cars program!


Please cast your #Toyota #100Cars vote today for HEARTS Education Foundation

*Note: By using the #Toyota and #100Cars hashtags you increase your opportunity for visibility beyond your follows by those searching for or following these specific hashtags. 

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