
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Healing Grace by Beth Shriver

Healing Grace is book 3 in the Touch of grace series by Beth Shriver. In this book, we are taken on a journey of finding out whether or not love can overcome differences.

Abby is an Englisher who has a hard family life. It's been just her and her Dad since her mom died. Her dad is a rough man who isn't very good at healthy communication with Abby. Abby loves her horse and taking care of her.  In an accident involving her horse, Abby meets Mose.

Mose is an Amish man strong in his faith. He cares for horses and is the one Abby comes to when her horse isn't healing. They begin a friendship when Mose agrees to keep her horse and care for her.
Due to some difficult circumstances, Abby finds herself with no place to live. Mose brings her home to stay with his family. Although Abby and Mose have huge differences to work through, they find themselves drawn to each other. Abby feels secure in the Amish community although she isn't secure in her faith like the Amish are. What they must discover is where life is taking them, and if they have a chance to live life together.

I thought this was an amazing story. In most Amish books you don't find this kind of relationship encouraged, so it was interesting to see. It's a great example of how differences can actually help bring people to a common life, and showing that by communication and shared interests you can mold lives to bring change in the differences.

I loved the development of the characters. I felt there was great depth to each one and made me feel invested in their story. The storyline of acknowledging differences and being considerate of those differences made for a realistic look into their lives and those around them.

I would definitely recommend this book and I'm sure will be reading it again! You can find a copy for yourself at
Find out more about Beth Shriver and her wonderful collection of books at

Disclosure: I received a print copy of the book in order to do my review. My reviews are always my honest opinion and may differ from others.

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