
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Great Comedians Mark and Marlo!

Mark and Marlo are a married couple who work together to bring smiles and laughter to the people they come in contact with! They both are comedians who engage their audience in ways you don't see coming. With over 20 years experience, they know what works. As clean comedians you can be confident your whole family will enjoy the show!

They provide a show that  can tailor to your needs. Not only do they juggle, their are wild stunts performed which will amaze you at every turn.

Recently Mark and Marlo were on the David Letterman show doing Stupid Human Tricks. I have always loved the crazy things people do, and they did not disappoint! What a thrill to watch. I couldn't imagine how it was done without being painful. Watch and see what I mean!

I was impressed with the show, but also the way they handled themselves on Letterman, and the fact that they provide clean entertainment.

Find them on the web at
Follow them on Twitter and Facebook to get all the current information

Disclosure: I did not receive compensation for this review. My reviews are always honest and shared because I think my readers will enjoy the topics.


  1. Makes me wonder just how bored they were when they first tried these tricks out!

  2. It is good to know that there are still clean comedians out there and that Letterman actually allowed them on his show!

  3. We love to watch comedy acts but usually they are not family friendly. This would be fun to share with the kids!

  4. I love watching comedy but have not watched in years as I am afraid it is not as family friendly as I need with the kids in the room. I will check these guys out, comedies are good for stress relief!

  5. Oh this sounds great - I have to admit I don't enjoy the crude humour a lot of comedians go in for other here - my OHs work went out for a Christmas do at a comedy club and I cringed all the way through! x

  6. I like the idea of family friendly comedians. My kids like to laugh and I would like to watch comedy shows with them but it is impossible with most comedians.

  7. Thanks for the laugh lol. Nice tandem!

  8. We need some LOL once in awhile :D

  9. I am in favor with clean entertainment. Unlike others that sounds so trashy.


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