
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Tangerine Morning by Rita Garcia

 Tangerine Morning is Book 2 in the Serenity Cove Series by Rita Garcia, here we find Jezzica at odds with God. Her husband was killed just a few years prior, and she is still dealing with the struggle of moving on. When a new detective comes to town she immediately has mixed feelings. She has a distrust of police because of their lack of being able to find her husband's killers.

Zach is determined to reach her. He wants to be friends and wants to help her uncover the truth. Along the way the feelings on both sides increases. The question is, will Jezzica allow herself to move on and trust another man. Can she take that step to moving beyond the feeling of being unfaithful to her husband?

Jezzica's sister, Catylen, has her own struggles that we learn about. The difference is that she is trusting God. She has the relationship with God where she knows the love regardless of circumstances. When Jezzica watches how her sister deals with her own personal agony, will that allow Jezzica to find a way back to God?

I really enjoyed this book. I feel it did a great job of teaching about putting our trust in God regardless of what we might be going through. Each character had his or her own difficulties they had to deal with, and gave a lot of variety in situations. I feel this was a smart way to provide the knowledge that everyone has different struggles, and God can help you through any situation.

This book would be great for young adult along with women in general who love a good story. It also would be a good way to help someone in need, maybe someone who doesn't fully have God in their hearts and is in need of that.

You can find the book for yourself HERE

Rita Garcia lives in California with her husband. They have 4 children and 7 grandchildren. You can find out more about her at

Disclosure: I received a free ebook copy of this book to review. I was not required to write a positive review. I was not compensated in any other way. The opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with FTC regulations. I am a part of CWA review crew

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