
Sunday, September 29, 2013

10 Great Dates by Larson & Arp

10 Great Dates by Peter and Heather Larson & David and Claudia Arp, is a book created to make connecting spiritually to your spouse a priority. Everyone's life is busier than ever now and sometimes time with your spouse gets put on the back burner when going against work, kids, church,and activities.  In 10 Great Dates, you are given some practical ideas to help you refocus time with your spouse.
There are 10 chapters each with it's on specific topic on which to focus your date time on. The chapters included are:

  • Date 1: Connecting Faith and Love
  • Date 2: Appreciating Your Differences
  • Date 3: Experiencing God Together
  • Date 4: Getting Into the Word
  • Date 5: Loving Your Closest Neighbor
  • Date 6: Talking Together With God
  • Date 7: Building Your Marriage on a Strong Foundation
  • Date 8: Facing The Storms of Life Together
  • Date 9: Guarding Your Hearts Under God's Canopy
  • Date 10: Making Your Marriage a Lighthouse

First you are asked to sign a commitment with your spouse to honor them with this special time. Then you have details of what to do each date night. You start by reading a chapter with verses and real life stories regarding the subject, Then you each have cards to fill out which will be used on the actual date. 
For the date, it tells you places to go, and tips for your time together. Then you are given things to do after the date together including Bible reading and discussion.

For me, this book makes it very clear cut on how to connect your marriage and relationships with God in a very practical way. Often times couples wish they could have this kind of relationship or dating life, but they aren't sure where to start, or think it might appear awkward. With this book you don't have to worry about it. Everything about your night is set up to allow for a fun time while focusing on the serious aspects of married life.
I think this would be a great book to have as a newly married couple. It's something I wish we had when we first started out. I find it would be easier to start on the right path then have to start over. Of course it is entirely useful for couples wishing to get to that place later in married life also.
I would highly recommend this book for any married couple, or soon to be married, who desires to put Christ in the center of their marriage. I know for me, I'll be sharing it with wedding gifts from now on.

Disclosure: I received a free print copy of the book in order to do my review. My reviews are always my honest opinions and may differ from others. I received this book as part of Bethany House reviewer program. 

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