
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Philosophy Adventure Homeschool Curriculum and Mega Giveaway!

You may remember that back in May I participated in a group review and giveaway for Philosophy Adventure. This is a wonderful philosophy course for homeschoolers which helps students learn the truths and how to stand up for them.

Through this curriculum you will help your student learn about major philosophers in a wonderful and unique way.  The book is set up to be user friendly. Each philosopher is broken down into sections in clear and easy to follow ways. You will find interesting reading and information in each section, followed by discussion, maps and exercises to help cement the information into your brain.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to learn which Biblical Characters were around in the times of the philosophers? In this well thought out curriculum you will find out!

This program allows for  you to pick and choose into a 1 credit class, or you can gain 1/2 credit for World History, Speech, Critical Thinking, and English.

I feel this curriculum is a great way to introduce your student to some vital information in a unique and creative way. I highly recommend this and encourage you to check it out to see if it's a fit for your family.

Now it's your turn for the opportunity to win some great prizes! What a great way to start a new school year!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I received a digital copy of the Philosophy Adventure Curriculum in exchange for my participation of the reviews and giveaways. My reviews are always honest and my own opinion.


  1. what an awesome giveaway for parents who homeschool

  2. I agree with Becca. For a while there, I considered homeschooling but thought of sending them to school to see if they like it and they did so I scraped the idea of homeschooling. This would be a great tool for parents who does s home school

  3. wow what a great giveaway even for regular teachers
    thanks for sharing I will share with my homeschooling virtual friends

  4. Those are some great books for home schoolers or teachers in schools to utilize. I have no children so I will not be entering--good luck to all who do.

  5. great tool for those homeschooling parents! Wished they had more for special needs out there

  6. this is one great giveaway. my friend would surely love this giveaway, i don't homeschool my 6 yrs old but the idea crossed my mind. but i think i can't afford it yet... so anyway, thanks for this giveaway, i will forward this to my friend.

  7. what an excellent giveaway, i'll try to share this with my friend and hoping she'll join too. this is something she would love to win or get for free.

  8. This is an exciting giveaway. I'd like to win these!


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