
Sunday, August 25, 2013

Little Star by Anthony DeStefano

      At Christmas time, a little boy wants his Dad to tell him about the Christmas Star. Dad is ready with a wonderful story. He tells his son about Little Star. Little Star is the smallest star and spends his time lonely, and ignored. He wants so much to help and be a part of things. He knows that there is a King about to be born. He follows Mary and Joseph on their journey to Bethlehem.
      What he discovers is how alike he feels to Mary and Joseph. They are also ignored,poor, and not taken care of. Little Star is amazed to find them similar to himself. He knows how they feel. He knows that the baby being born is the King.
      Little Star realizes after the child is born, that he came to bring the message that everyone is loved, and nobody should be ignored. When he realizes the King is cold, he burns bright so that he can help keep the King warm. By doing this, he burns himself out. What we find is the story finds itself back in the cozy home of the boy and his Dad. The boy hears the reason the star is shining on top of their tree each year.

      This is a wonderful book! I loved the message and the idea of telling the story from the stars perspective. What an amazing way to demonstrate the reason Jesus came to Earth.
      Mark Elliott also did an great job on the illustrations. The pictures are gorgous. They remind me of a painting. They help bring the reader into the story so they can hear the message underlined in the story.

This is a book that would make a great addition to any family's Christmas library. What a special gift for any child! It is available Sept 1st. Great with Christmas season just around the corner!

Disclosure: I received an ebook copy of the book through being a part of in order to do this review. No other compensation was given and my opinions are always honest and my own.


  1. I think this would be wonderful for kids to really learn about why Jesus came- beautiful!

  2. "....where are you, little star..." - that's what I thought of at first - sounds like a beautiful thing! :D

  3. This sounds like a wonderful addition to any child's library.

  4. This sounds like a beautiful children's book. Even I would like to read it!

  5. Great book indeed. Kids would love this for sure.

  6. The holiday season is just lurking around the corner Indeed, a good gift to the youngsters.

  7. What a great book to get for the holidays that are quickly approaching. Thank you for sharing.

  8. What an awesome book, I'd love to get this to add to our collection.

  9. This would be a great book to read to my kids.

  10. What a good story to tell, i should get this book for my son.

  11. Would check that one my boy enjoy reading alot!


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