
Sunday, July 28, 2013

I Carried an Angel by Staci A. Luker

I Carried an Angel is a true story about the short life of Barrett, Staci's first son.  Although Barrett never got the chance to live life on this earth, he has inspired countless people about a life of sacrifice, and the love of Christ. Through the heartbreak of learning about his death, to the days that followed, Staci has been able to share her family's love for Barrett and bring about a way to keep his name alive.
Each chapter follows Staci's journal of how she and her family learned to cope with the unspeakable tragedy.

When I first sat down to read the book, I grabbed a box of kleenex fully expecting to use it. Although the heartbreak is there, and as a mom, I found myself struggling to imagine what they went through, the book was different then I expected. Of course there are parts that were hard to read, but what was amazing was the focus while on the situation, brought about incredible joy of the Lord. Staci shares with us how Barrett's death caused her focus to be on Christ and in sharing it with others.

What I loved was how honest the book reads. It never sugar coated the feelings of despair, but allowed us to see that through Christ we can do all things, even things we never imagined we could conquer.

Barrett's Blankets is a ministry that Staci started because of her wishing she had the blanket from the time she held Barrett. Figuring others would benefit from it also, she began knitting wonderful blankets to share with other grieving parents. Before long, it was a huge success and she was able to not only share a blanket, but the message of Christ! You can find out more about it HERE

With how firmly planted in trusting God the family is, Barrett's short life will ultimately bring a multitude to Jesus. Barrett will never be forgotten.

Find out more about Staci on her blog at

Disclosure: I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  1. Sounds like an amazing story. I'll get my tissues ready!

  2. Staci is such an inspiration on how she took this tragedy and allowed it to move her spirit in a way that is beautiful to God's word and a moving tribute to her son. I think Barrett's Blankets is an amazing project!

  3. Amazing how God can take something tragic and do good through it. Very inspirational!

  4. This sounds like a great and inspirational story. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Sounds beautiful and tissues are a must just reading your post <3

  6. Thanks for sharing, sounds like it might be thought provoking.


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