
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Above and Beyond by Sandra Brown

Kyla's husband Richard was killed in a terrorist attack while overseas. As Kyla is trying to catch a breath and move on with her young son, she finds herself drawn to a man she doesn't realize she knows.

Trevor was a soldier alongside Richard. By a stroke of coincidence, Richard ends up dying in the bunk where Trevor normally would have been. To aid his recovery, Trevor finds himself reading, and re-reading the love letters to Richard from Kyla. When he finds himself in love with her, he devises a plan to meet her.

While they are getting to know each other, Trevor is holding back a huge secret that could ruin everything. There is something Kyla doesn't yet know and Trevor hopes will never know.

Through a series of events, we follow them through struggles, love,  trust issues and finally the truth. Can they survive what secrets lie in the past or will it keep them from a lasting love?


This story will keep you engaged from beginning to end. It is full of creative plot lines which pull you into the story. There is great depth to the story which allows us to visualize realistic people and situations. When reading this book I found myself with many different emotions from disliking Trevor for keeping the secret, to wanting Kyla to forgive him, to laughing alongside the actions of a toddler.
You will not be disappointed with Above and Beyond. Again Sandra Brown has brought us a hit!
I have lost count of how many times I have read this book over the years. Certain books just fit in a way that brings you back time and again. This is that book!
You can find the book for yourself here at

Disclosure: I did not receive any compensation for this review. I had the book in my personal collection. My reviews are always honest and my opinions are my own.

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