
Saturday, June 8, 2013

Once Upon a Pencil By Ayelet Nathaniel

      I was honored to be chosen to review yet another of Ayelet "Ally" Nathaniel's books. In this one, we follow a young girl named Sarah on an adventure. Sarah is out admiring the sky and watching to see what  the clouds remind her of. She sees many different objects along the way and helps get her imagination going. 
      When she finds a pencil she notices it is growing in the ground. She is curious, so she picks up the pencil out of the ground. Sarah's imagination is strong, and since she is without paper, she begins to draw on her jeans. What she draws suddenly becomes real. She draws things she would love to see and have. She draws a few things, and then starts to wish things for her friends. She notices that when she is  thinking of other people, that the number of pencils available grows also.  She discovers that it's so much more fun to draw things that others would like instead of just for herself.

I think there are some great lessons to be learned from this book. It is a great reminder that giving is better than receiving. She is a thoughtful child and is blessed by helping others. When she receives more due to her thoughtfulness, she doesn't do for herself, but continues to give to her friends.

This is a cute book. It's short, but packs in a good story! I have been impressed with all of her books. I recommend checking them out! You can check out 3 other reviews by Ayelet Nathaniel on my blog.

Disclosure: I received an ebook copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. My opinions are always honest and may differ from others


  1. What a cute idea - I bet both of my girls would enjoy reading this book!

  2. Awe, how adorable! My daughter would love this book for sure. I am a big fan of anything related to art and drawing anyway. ;)

  3. This book sounds great! I look forward to reading it. :-)


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